Mobile & Responsive

Mobile & Responsive Website development

Mobile & tablet devices are in everyone’s hands – and your hotel must be there too!

Your guests and potential customers have spoken, and mobile devices have become the preferred search, information access method, and interactive communication method for today’s consumers. Hotels simply need to interact with consumers and guests via the process that is most effective and preferred for consumers – the hugely growing trend towards mobile device usage will continue.

We love building “Responsive” websites that are mobile enabled, as these provide the simplest and most efficient way to allow consumers to access content on any device they wish to use. Just as important, Google search also loves responsive sites, as they deliver a great end user experience. Responsive sites, make content management effortless as they auto update and share content from the full website, mobile users love them, and they become a big part of the overall SEO strategy for maximizing visibility and engagement.

Hotels having a mobile site is no longer an option, as today just having a mobile site is not enough, unless it is properly featured, booking enabled, search and social media optimized, and then further optimized for each major smart phone device platform.

Hotel Traffic Builders’ mobile websites are compatible with all major smartphone platforms, including; iPhone, Android, BlackBerry and Windows Phone. Cross-Device Compatibility with everything from smartphones, to tablets, including all iPad size devices, regardless of operating systems or browser versions must be able to access your hotel mobile website.

Hoteliers who do not place mobile marketing high on their priority list are simply walking away from a surging number of booking opportunities. Google’s mobile research shows that over 30% of mobile users are using their devices for travel and hotel activities.

Hotel Traffic Builders’ mobile websites are fully integrated with hotel desktop sites via dynamic content management. Content updates to your main website are auto synced with you mobile site and all devise versions. By auto syncing content across all website versions, hotels are assured that accurate content, rates, special offers and alike are consistently shared with all website viewers regardless of device used. Hotel Traffic Builders’ mobile websites provide for a simple, seamless and efficient way to manage all content.

Hotel Traffic Builders’ mobile websites are interactive with touch to call/talk features, mapping / GPS functions, social media accounts, and always fully integrated with your hotel booking engine.

SEO value for Mobile sites: When you custom tailor your mobile website by device this is indexed by all of the major search engines and impacts results ranking based upon the experience the device use will have when visiting your hotel website.

User friendly optimized mobile websites

Mobile Optimized Design – Hotel Traffic Builders’ mobile website designs are extremely fast loading, as mobile users will not wait on slow sites. Our mobile sites are customized from a content and navigation perspective not only for the specific device used, but also for the information needs of the consumer

Mobile Optimized for Consumer Convenience – mobile customers demand and fully expect the best mobile experiences that they embrace from all other leading mobile solutions in their life. They expect features such click-to-call for hotel reservations, click-to-view access immediate needed information, and simple to navigate content. Just repackaging your desktop site is no longer an acceptable option for hotels seeking mobile booking success.

Hotel Traffic Builders’ mobile websites are fully search engine optimized and we provide full data report tracking and analysis for your mobile website via our Hotel Marketing 4.0 eMarketing Reporting Center.

Let us identify your true incidental revenue opportunities, and how we can implement immediate solutions to grow your success, Learn More..