Get Googlized

Has your Hotel been fully Googlized?

In concept, all hoteliers understand that being ranked high in Google searches is a good thing! Bur most hoteliers have no way of staying current with how rapidly everything related to Google hotel marketing is changing, and it is happening at near lightning speed.

Most hoteliers are not aware of all new and integrated Google products, here are a few:

Get Googlized

From an online marketing perspective, we live in a Google centric world. Hotel search has undergone huge transformations via Panda, Penguin and now Hummingbird algorithm changes, with yet many more in the short term future mix.

“From Google’s perspective, it’s all about being
relevant to consumer search needs.”

For hoteliers, web site content, accessibility, authority and credibility must become a top priority. Lets be real, if your website is loaded with usability and access errors, or if you do not have solid mobile accessibility, why should Google send any search visitors your way? The same applies if you content has little to no value??

What should hoteliers do? The answer is quite simple – get Googlized! Deliver a world class visitor experience starting on your own web pages, effectively use all Google tools and products. Make the most of your Google+ Business account, effectively integrate all of the Google products including Maps, Images, Places, and properly configure Google analytics so that you know what is happening. Then you can decide on using Google AdWords, Googled Hotel Finder, and other related price ads.

Hotel Traffic Builders’ – HOTEL MARKETING 4.0 all-inclusive solution will provide you with everything you need to get Googlized! With no upfront costs, you will soon have a brand new website, a responsive tablet & mobile site and all things Google fully integrated!

Check out our HOTEL REVENUE 4.0 OPPORTUNITY CALCULATOR to see how much you can grow your room revenues by getting Googlized and working smarter today!

List of some other Google products you may want to think about:

